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Cut you up with a linoleum knife lyrics by Mastodon

Mastodon Cut you up with a linoleum knife lyrics
  • track 10 of 16, total running time 70:46
  • album Medium rarities
  • released in September 11, 2020
  • produced by
  • record label Reprise Records
Mastodon - Medium rarities at
Mastodon at youtube
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Cut you up with a linoleum knife song lyrics

Don't talk, watch
Don't talk, watch
You came here, watch it
Don't like it? Walk out
We still have all your fucking money

Do not nudge, kick or jiggle the seat in front of you
I'm sitting there
I am everywhere at once
And I will cut you up

If you make out here
I will cut your lips and tongue
From your head with a
Linoleum knife

Do not explain the plot
If you don't understand
Then you should not be here
Your money is now our money
And we will spend it on drugs

Don't crinkle your food wrappers loudly
Be considerate to others
Or I will bite your torso
And give you a disease

Did you bring your baby?
Babies don't watch this
Take the seed outside
Leave it in the streets
Run over it after the show

If I see you videotaping this movie
Satan will rain down your throat with hot acid
And dissolve your testicles
And turn your guts into snakes

This is a copyrighted movie for Time Warner
If I find you've sold it on eBay
I will break into your house
And tear your wife in half

More info about Cut you up with a linoleum knife lyrics

check here the lyrics for Cut you up with a linoleum knife, the 10th song of the 16 recorded for the album Medium rarities, with a total running time of 70:46, by Mastodon. It was released on September 11, 2020 via Reprise Records, and produced by .
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